In particular, the committee would like to draw everyone’s attention to the “Ball on Court” protocols. There will always be balls that stray onto other courts whilst play is in progress. This is very hazardous so we must all be mindful of the appropriate actions to take when it occurs.
- If your ball goes onto another court, call “BALL” loudly and immediately. Do not wait to see what happens or go onto the other court to retrieve the ball. The player who is next to serve should raise their hand and wait for the ball to be returned.
- If a ball comes onto your court, NEVER kick or bash it away. PICK THE BALL UP and look around to see who has raised their hand to show that the ball is theirs. Gently return the ball to them, making sure that anyone on court between you is aware of the situation.
It is hoped that if we all take time to return stray balls in a controlled manner, the chance of injury is greatly reduced.